Non-probabilistic reliability topology optimization of truss structures based on performance measure approach
Received:May 07, 2021  Revised:June 06, 2021
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KeyWord:topology optimization  truss structure  non-probabilistic reliability  parameter vertex combination method  performance measure approach
邱志平 北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 固体力学研究所, 北京
夏海军 北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 固体力学研究所, 北京
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      Compared with size and shape optimizations of structures, topology optimization has more design variables and can achieve more benefits. In recent years, topology optimization has become a hot topic. With the development of science and technology, engineering structures are more and more complex, and the effects of uncertainties in material of and the external environment increase. Therefore, uncertainties must be considered in topology optimization. In this paper, an interval model is used to quantify the uncertainties, and the parameter vertex combination method is used to accomplish the propagation of interval uncertainties. The area-ratio based non-probabilistic reliability index is used to construct the reliability-based topology optimization formulation, and the performance measure approach is proposed to equivalently transform the original reliability constraints to overcome the convergence problem. The moving asymptotic method (MMA) is used to solve the optimization problem. The non-probabilistic reliability topology optimization of a truss structure is studied. The results of two numerical examples show that the proposed method is applicable to the non-probabilistic reliability topology optimization of truss structures.