Vehicle-bridge coupling vibration excited by vehicle wheels with coherent deck irregularity
Received:June 25, 2020  Revised:September 08, 2020
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KeyWord:deck irregularity  all wheels correlation  phase angle coherence  coherence function  vehicle-bridge coupling  Monte Carlo method
陈水生 华东交通大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
赵辉 华东交通大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
李锦华 华东交通大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
夏钰桓 湖北恒大建设工程有限公司, 武穴
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      According to the cross power spectral density and coherence function of the left and right wheels of a vehicle,the coherence relationship of the corresponding phase angle in the characteristics of the left and right wheel deck irregularity was derived.This paper presented a method of coherent generation of all wheels correlation bridge deck irregularity excitation by phase angle coherence for all wheels,and the reliability of the method was verified by numerical examples.The results in engineering applications show that the vibration responses of the bridge,the vehicles vertical and vehicle pitch angle responses are increased,but the vibration response of the vehicle's roll angle is reduced;Different coherence function models have little influence on the vibration response of the bridge,but have a great influence on the vehicle vibration response;For the same coherence function model,the vibration response of the bridge increases with the increase of the coherence strength,but the vehicle vibration response decreases with the increase of the coherence strength;In order to study the influence of random excitation on the vibration response of the vehicle-bridge coupled system,it is necessary to consider the coherent relationship of vehicle wheels.