Nonlinear dynamic topology optimization on equivalent static loads method
Received:July 03, 2020  Revised:August 18, 2020
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KeyWord:equivalent static loads method  dynamic topology optimization  modulus ratio coefficient  material nonlinear  calculated Young's modulus
李永欣 燕山大学 机械工程学院, 河北省重型智能制造装备技术创新中心, 秦皇岛
贺星星 燕山大学 机械工程学院, 河北省重型智能制造装备技术创新中心, 秦皇岛
李凯伦 燕山大学 机械工程学院, 河北省重型智能制造装备技术创新中心, 秦皇岛
杨权威 天津恒天新能源汽车研究院有限公司, 天津
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      Equivalent static loads method (ESLM)is an effective method to solve dynamic topology optimization problems.However,when solving a dynamic topology optimization problem of elastoplastic material,plastic deformations,occurring in different directions at each moment,lead to larger equivalent static loads and direction deviations.Therefore,an ESLM based on modulus ratio coefficient (MRC-ESLM)is proposed.Based on relationships between stress,strain and Young' s modulus,calculated Young's modulus is equated at each moment firstly.Then the modulus ratio coefficients are derived,and equivalent static loads are amended based on equivalent displacements.Static multi-condition topology optimization is performed,and then a dynamic analysis is performed again.The two cycles are repeated until convergence criterion is satisfied.Numerical examples show the modified ESLM can solve nonlinear problems of elastoplastic materials effectively,and improve accuracy,which means the application range of ESLM is expended.The numerical example of an automobile knee buffer shows that,under the same constraints,smaller plastic strain is obtained by MRC-ESLM compared with that of ESLM.