Discrete element numerical simulation of typical failure modes of sea ice under ship-ice interaction
Received:November 21, 2020  Revised:April 14, 2021
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KeyWord:icebreaker  ice load  ship-ice interaction mode  DEM
雷建奇 哈尔滨工程大学, 哈尔滨
狄少丞 哈尔滨工程大学, 哈尔滨
于加一 哈尔滨工程大学, 哈尔滨
王迎晖 中国船舶重工集团有限公司第七○二研究所, 无锡
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      In the process of breaking the ice by an icebreaker,the ice raft mainly exhibits two failure modes:crushing failure and bending failure.In this paper,the two typical failure modes in ship-ice interaction are simulated numerically based on the bonding discrete element method.The discrete element numerical samples of sea ice were generated by random arrangement,and the mesoscopic parameters in the model were calibrated by the combination of uniaxial compression test and three-point bending test.The crushing and bending interaction mode in the ship-ice collision is simplified to the interaction mode between erect,inclined plate and sea ice.The discrete element numerical sample of sea ice in crushing failure and bending failure mode is constructed.The influence of different loading direction,ice thickness,loading rate on failure mode in crushing failure mode are analyzed,and the influence of different ice raft angle,ice thickness,loading rate on failure mode in bending failure mode.The results show that the discrete element numerical model of sea ice can be used to simulate the extrusion and bending failure of ice raft well,and the failure mechanism of ice raft under different failure modes can be revealed.