Application of molecular simulation in unconventional oil and gas development
Received:January 18, 2021  Revised:February 26, 2021
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KeyWord:unconventional oil and gas  micro/nano mechanics  molecular simulations  molecular dynamics  first-principles calculation  interfacial interactions
洪祥宇 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系, 合肥
徐亨宇 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系, 合肥
崔风路 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系, 合肥
余昊 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系, 合肥
吴一宁 中国石油大学华东 石油工程学院 油田化学山东省重点实验室, 青岛
吴恒安 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系, 合肥
王奉超 中国科学技术大学 近代力学系, 合肥
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      Unconventional oil and gas resources are abundant and have broad development prospects.Reservoirs in China with low-permeability/ultra-low-permeability are mainly continental deposit.Reservoir characteristics are quite different,with many narrow pore-throats and low porosity.A large amount of recoverable crude oil and gas is residual in sub-micron pores,which is technically difficult to extract,leading to a rather low recovery efficiency.The key scientific problems in this realm include the microscopic mechanical interactions of rock/oil interface and the underlying mechanism of confined molecular transport.In recent years,molecular simulation has become an important research tool in the field of unconventional oil and gas exploitation.This short review starts with an introduction to the principle of molecular simulations,then shows the molecular models of components of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs,and discusses the applications of molecular simulation in unconventional oil and gas development and the related research progress.