A new method for calculating structural reliability index
Received:December 12, 2019  Revised:April 30, 2020
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KeyWord:structural reliability  reliability index  iterative algorithm  nonlinearity  convergence
夏雨 广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院, 柳州
张泽俊 广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院, 柳州
余颖烨 广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院, 柳州
刘敬敏 广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院, 柳州
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      In order to solve the problem that the primary reliability calculation method (such as JC method) does not converge when the nonlinearity of the structural function is high near the structural design point,a new reliability calculation method is proposed.According to the geometric meaning of the structural reliability index,the iteration point is first approached to the limit state surface,and then the next iteration point is searched on the limit state surface to gradually reduce the distance between the point on the limit state surface and the coordinate origin in the standard normal space,so as to achieve convergence.Compared with other methods,this method has better computational efficiency and robustness,especially in the case of strong non-linearity of the limit state function.