Thermal fatigue cracking simulation and the remaining life of high-speed railway forged steel brake discs
Received:February 06, 2019  Revised:November 18, 2020
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KeyWord:brake discs  thermal stress  extended finite element method  damage tolerance  fatigue cracks
王连庆 北京科技大学 新金属材料国家重点实验室, 北京
吴圣川 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室, 成都
胡雅楠 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室, 成都
秦庆斌 西南交通大学 牵引动力国家重点实验室, 成都
钱坤才 中车戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所有限公司, 常州
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      A huge amount of energy due to emergency braking is generated and that macro hot spots and radial thermal cracks take place on the friction surface,which seriously threats the safety of high-speed railway vehicles.It is therefore of vital importance to accurately predict the thermal cracking for a suitable inspection.The classical finite element method based thermal crack growth simulation produces both lower computational efficiency and convergence.The current paper focuses on high-speed railway forged steel brake discs.Macro hot spots due to braking are firstly rebuilt based on fracture mechanics.A semi-elliptical crack is then assumed at the peak temperature region to carry out thermal fatigue cracking simulation by using extended finite element method (XFEM) and virtual node method (VPM).Fatigue life curves between braking times and crack length are acquired under the braking speed 400 km/h and the prediction agrees well with the service life.Results provide theoretical support for the lightweight design,service life assessment and inspection maintenance.