Study on the buckling algorithm of orthotropic stiffened plate
Received:February 28, 2020  Revised:June 02, 2020
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KeyWord:orthotropic stiffened plate  Ritz method  compressive and shear coupling loads  buckling load  buckling mode
黄丽华 大连理工大学 建设工程学部, 大连
刘鹏洋 大连理工大学 建设工程学部, 大连
曲激婷 大连理工大学 建设工程学部, 大连
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      In order to simplify the buckling analysis of an orthotropic stiffened plate,the displacement of the stiffeners is expressed by the displacement of the plate at their positions,and the total potential energy of the stiffened plate is established in this paper.Through discrete displacement field and using the Principle of Minimum Potential Energy,the governing equation of buckling analysis of the orthotropic stiffened plate based on Ritz method is derived and solved in Matlab.Based on the equations derived in this paper,the buckling loads and buckling modes of the stiffened plates with a single stiffener and three stiffeners under the application of different compression-shear ratios are analyzed,and the results are basically consistent with those from Abaqus.The buckling loads of the stiffened plates increase obviously with the increase of the number of stiffeners.When the compression-shear ratio is 1:1,each order buckling load is the lowest.With the increase of displacement function order,the result of this algorithm is more accurate,but the corresponding computation also increases significantly.