Parametric variational finite element method for the form-finding of the cable-network antenna
Received:July 04, 2019  Revised:April 28, 2020
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KeyWord:cable-network antenna  parametric variational principle  co-rotational formation  improved Newton method  form-finding analysis
刘涛 复旦大学 航空航天系, 上海 ;上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
王碧 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
李昊 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
周鑫 上海宇航系统工程研究所, 上海
张亮 重庆大学 航空航天学院, 重庆
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      In view of the constitutive nonlinearity and geometric nonlinearity of the cable-network antenna, the parametric variational principle and a co-rotational formation were introduced to establish the finite element governing equation.The improved Newton method was employed to solve the governing equation.Firstly,the method was applied for pretension balance calculation of cable-network antenna.The analysis results show that the improved Newton method has a better convergence than Newton-Raphson method.Further,the iterative principle of force density method combined with this finite element method was applied for nonlinear form-finding analysis of the cable-network antenna and an ideal configuration was obtained.The output of this paper is expected to provide some valuable information for studying other similar structures in the future.