Shock absorption design and reliability analysis of parking building considering random parking of vehicles
Received:December 21, 2019  Revised:August 29, 2020
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KeyWord:random parking  parking building  reverse damage  shock absorption  reliability
周潇凡 云南大学 建筑与规划学院, 昆明
王宪杰 云南大学 建筑与规划学院, 昆明
胡彪 云南大学 建筑与规划学院, 昆明
王思文 云南大学 建筑与规划学院, 昆明
李承玥 云南大学 建筑与规划学院, 昆明
曹雨 云南大学 建筑与规划学院, 昆明
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      In the design a car of the parking building,the vehicle load is usually evenly distributed to the structure in the form of live load.In fact,due to the random parking of a vehicle,the overall center of mass of a parking building structure is offset.Once such a structure encounters an earthquake,the randomness due to vehicle parking may cause torsional damage to the structure.In this paper,the randomness of vehicle distribution is considered on the basis of traditional shock-absorbing design methods,and the probability of collapse of the shock-absorbing structure under the action of large earthquakes is analysed from the perspective of reliability.The results show that the collapse probability of the shock-absorbing car parking building is 0 and 2.47% before and after considering the randomness of vehicles with the same shock-absorbing design layout.Therefore,the traditional shock-absorbing design method that does not consider the random parking of vehicles actually overestimates the seismic performance of the structure,and the structure of the shock-absorbing parking building still has the risk of collapse under the action of large earthquakes.