Application of CFD in the investigation on support interference of flying-wing calibration model
Received:November 12, 2019  Revised:January 06, 2020
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KeyWord:numerical simulation  flying-wing  support interference  grid convergence
张培红 中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 绵阳
赵炜 中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 绵阳
张耀冰 中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 绵阳
吴晓军 中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 绵阳
杨福军 中国空气动力研究与发展中心, 绵阳
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      Support interference correction has always been a key and difficult problem in wind tunnel test. Especially for the flying-wing aircraft with flat tail,the drag and pitch moment are of a small amount. When a wind tunnel test is carried out,the tail needs to be enlarged locally,and the influence on the drag and pitch moment is relatively large,which makes higher requirements for the correction method of support interference.CFD method is used to study the effect of grid convergence and support interference on the low-aspect-ratio flying-wing model.The influence of support on the aerodynamic characteristics,pressure distribution and flow field structure of the flying-wing is analyzed.The results provide a basis for support interference correction in wind tunnel test.Under the typical condition,support interference will lead to a decrease in lift coefficient and drag coefficient,and an increase in lift moment.The magnification of rear body of the test model and the support interference will increase the pressure on the up surface of flying-wing model,weaken the shock intensity and decrease the separation area of the rear body.