Analysis on restrained torsion of composited box girder with corrugated steel webs
Received:January 12, 2020  Revised:June 03, 2020
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KeyWord:box girder with corrugated steel webs  restrained torsion  warping normal stress  secondary shear stress  geometric parameter
孙成成 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
张元海 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
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      Compared with a traditional concrete box girder,a box girder with corrugated steel webs displays an obvious torsional effect.In order to analyze the torsional constraint of the box girder with corrugated steel webs more reasonably,the accordion effect of the corrugated steel webs and the constraining effect of the top and bottom flanges are considered.On the basis of Umanskii’s second theory,the formulas for normal stress and the secondary shear stress are derived through section equivalence.The correctness of the formulas is verified by the ANSYS finite element analysis.The normal stress coefficient is introduced to reflect the relative relationship between the torsional normal stress and the bending normal stress,and the shear stress coefficient is introduced to reflect the influence of secondary shear stress on total torsional shear stress.Through numerical examples,the influence of the cantilever flange width and the thickness of corrugated steel web on the stress coefficients is analyzed in detail.The results show that under an eccentric concentrated load,the torision-induced normal stress can reach 45% of the bending normal stress,and the torsion-induced normal stress in the upper and lower ends of the web can reach the bending normal stress level.The secondary shear stress can reach 52% of the total torsional shear stress,and can be significantly reduced by reducing the cantilever flange width and increasing the web thickness.