Structural plane information characterization and application based on digital photogrammetry
Received:September 23, 2019  Revised:November 19, 2019
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KeyWord:digital photogrammetry  structural plane characterization  generalized Hoek-Brown strength criterion  rock mass quality classification
葛丽娜 辽宁工程技术大学 建筑与交通学院, 阜新
易富 辽宁工程技术大学 建筑与交通学院, 阜新
王涛 东北大学 资源与土木工程学院, 沈阳
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      The existence of the structural plane directly affects the strength,deformation characteristics and failure mechanism of a rock mass.In order to explore the influence of the structural plane on the mechanical parameters of rock mass and the quality of a rock mass of the Xia Dian gold mine,the digital photogrammetry technology was used to quickly acquire the geometric information of the structural plane of the study area,and the true three-dimensional characterization of the two-dimensional geometric information of the structural plane was realized by three-dimensional modeling,laser scanning technology and VR-Platform virtual reality platform.Based on this information,the generalized Hoek-Brown strength criterion was used to analyze mechanical parameters of each studied area of the rock mass,and the rock mass quality classification was evaluated according to the BQ value of the basic quality index of the rock mass.The values of the mechanical parameters of the rock mass calculated by the generalized Hoek-Brown strength criterion are basically consistent with the data obtained in the previous test except the internal friction angle.The reason why the calculated friction angle of the rock is too large may be that it does not consider the influence of the particle diameter and shape of the structural plane itself on the friction angle of the rock.