Numerical simulation of snow drifting on pyramidal hipped roof
Received:May 26, 2019  Revised:October 21, 2019
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KeyWord:pyramidal hipped roof  snow drifting  numerical simulation  roof partition  snow distribution factor
颜卫亨 长安大学 建筑工程学院, 西安
姬明辉 青岛万科房地产有限公司, 青岛
代鹏 长安大学 建筑工程学院, 西安
张玉杰 长安大学 建筑工程学院, 西安
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      Numerical simulation was conducted to research snow drifting on pyramidal hipped roof based on Euler-Euler method and one-way coupling assumption of wind and snow,using computational fluid dynamics software.The Mixture model was selected to simulate snow drifting around a cube and on a stepped flat roof.Reliability and reasonability of the numerical simulation method was verified by comparing simulation results with observed datas,and key techniques and parameters of a numerical wind tunnel were discussed and analyzed and discussed.The analysis models and cases were designed according to functional requirements of a pyramidal hipped house.The partition of roof was determined on the basis of trial calculation.Regarding wind speed at 5 m/s,7 m/s,9 m/s,11 m/s,13 m/s,15 m/s,wind direction 0°,15°,30°,45°,and roof slope 25°,30°,34°,40°,45° as variable parameters,through numerical simulation of 120 working conditions for a pyramidal hipped house,the basic law of erosion and deposition on roof is obtained,and snow distribution factor which can be used for snow resistance design is put forward.The results show that the change of wind direction angle will lead to a great change in the snow distribution on the roof,and changes in wind speed and roof slope have a great impact on the overall snow cover.