Study on Smoothed Extended Finite Element Method and its characteristics
Received:November 05, 2019  Revised:January 06, 2020
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KeyWord:XFEM  S-FEM  S-XFEM  stress intensity factor (SIF)  crack
徐志民 西北工业大学 航空学院, 西安
谢伟 西北工业大学 航空学院, 西安
窦鹏鹏 西北工业大学 航空学院, 西安
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      In this paper,a new smoothed extended finite element method (S-XFEM) was proposed by simultaneously introducing the cell-based and edge-based strain smoothing technique of the Smoothed Finite Element Method (S-FEM) into the Extended Finite element method (XFEM).The S-XFEM adopted the smooth domain partition of the ES-FEM in the selection of elements and accepted the extension nodes and the integration strategy of the CS-FEM based on triangular subdomain in the numerical integration calculation of stiffness matrix with the new integration strategy of Gaussian points.And then the S-XFEM calculation program was designed and programmed with Matlab.The characteristics of the S-XFEM were compared in several classical examples to verify the accuracy and applicability.The results show that both the XFEM and the S-XFEM have high computational accuracy and convergence.The computational accuracy of the XFEM is slightly higher than that of the S-XFEM,while the S-XFEM is obviously superior to the XFEM in mesh independence.