Investigation of fracture process in geopolymer concrete using the extended finite element method
Received:September 20, 2019  Revised:November 16, 2019
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KeyWord:extended finite element  cohesive zone model  double K fracture criterion  fracture process zone
何胜豪 温州大学 建筑工程学院, 温州
周华飞 温州大学 建筑工程学院, 温州
谢子令 温州大学 建筑工程学院, 温州
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      The XFEM (Extened Finite Element Method) is an effective numerical Method for analyzing discrete mechanical problems such as cracks based on the conventional Finite Element framework.In the conventional finite element displacement expressions,jump function and progressive tip displacement field function are added to enhance the degree of freedom of the nodes near the discontinuities.The XFEM and CZM (Cohesive zone Model) are introduced and a fracture process analysis method of GPC (Geopolymer concrete) based on the XFEM is proposed in this study.Four different softening curves were used to simulate the whole process of the GPC beam from crack initiation,to expansion till fracture failure,and its fracture toughness was determined based on the double-k fracture criterion.The results show that the Petersson model was in good agreement with the experimental results,and the evolution process of FPZ (Fracture Process Zone) was finally revealed based on the simulation results.