Upper bound limit analysis of axisymmetric structures based on natural element method
Received:January 21, 2019  Revised:July 18, 2019
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KeyWord:upper bound limit analysis  axisymmetric structures  natural element method  plastic zone
陈莘莘 华东交通大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
王崴 华东交通大学 土木建筑学院, 南昌
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      As a recently developed meshless method,the natural element method (NEM) constructs its shape function by the natural neighbour interpolation,which does not involve the computation of complex matrix inversion and requires no artificial parameters.In order to fully exploit the advantage of natural element method,a solution procedure for upper bound limit analysis of axisymmetric structures is presented based on the upper bound theorem of limit analysis.The displacement field of the axisymmetric structure is constructed by the natural neighbour interpolation and the plastic incompressibility is well covered by the penalty function method.In order to avoid the difficulties caused by non-differentiable objective function,the rigid zone is distinguished from the plastic zone generally and they are dealt with differently.Numerical examples show that the proposed method for upper bound limit analysis of axisymmetric structures is effective.