Research on liner buckling and collapse of bi-material metal pipes subjected to mechanical-thermal loading
Received:February 25, 2019  Revised:June 19, 2019
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KeyWord:bi-material metal pipe  numerical model  mechanical-thermal loading  material softening  buckling
郭奕蓉 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室, 西安 ;上海电气风电集团有限公司, 上海
张建勋 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室, 西安
谭丁森 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室, 西安
徐自力 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室, 西安
秦庆华 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室, 西安
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      In this paper,liner buckling and collapse of bi-material metal pipes subjected to mechanical-thermal loading were studied by using the finite element method.A 3-D finite element model was developed by considering the residual stress produced in the quasi-static inflation process of the bi-material metal pipes.Effects of temperature and internal pressure on the liner buckling and collapse of the bi-material metal pipes were analyzed in detail.The results show that the liner buckling and collapse of bi-material metal pipe is suppressed under mechanical-thermal loading due to their material softening.The curvature of the maximum bending moment of bi-material metal pipes subjected to the bending,internal pressure and thermal loading decreases with decreasing the internal temperature while both the load-carrying capability of the bi-material metal pipes and the ellipticity of outer pipes increases.The internal pressure changes have a little effect on the load-carrying capability of bi-material metal pipes and the ellipticity of outer pipes.