Stress return mapping algorithm of Mohr-Coulomb criterion in principal stress space and its application in the problems of geotechnical foundation
Received:November 12, 2018  Revised:February 20, 2019
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KeyWord:Mohr-Coulomb criterion  principal stress space  stress mapping algorithm  elastoplastic FEM  geotechnical foundation
许梦飞 大连海事大学 道路与桥梁工程研究所, 大连
姜谙男 大连海事大学 道路与桥梁工程研究所, 大连
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      The stress mapping algorithm in principal stress space of Mohr-Coulomb criterion is introduced to deal with its divergence problem at singular points.The multisurface plastic flow rule is analysed.The judgment method for mapping area is put forward during stress updating process.The Newton-Raphson iterative equation for the plastic factor and the stress updating equation are derived.The expression of the consistent tangent operator is established.The elastoplastic FEM program is coded using C++ language which is used to solve the problems of geotechnical foundation.The results demonstrate the feasibility and precision of the program.