Study on Lagrangian analysis method of multi-speed meter measurement
Received:January 19, 2018  Revised:December 28, 2018
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KeyWord:multi-speed meter  Lagrangian analysis  particle velocity
蒋国平 福建江夏学院 工程学院, 福州
肖三霞 福建江夏学院 工程学院, 福州
陶为俊 广州大学 工程抗震研究中心, 广州
代学灵 福建江夏学院 工程学院, 福州
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      The Lagrangian analysis has been widely used in the shock initiation of explosives with small partition experiment and in the gas gun test on inert materials such as concrete and red copper.However,the existing Lagrangian analysis needs to be integrated multiple times,causing numerical errors to increase with time.In order to solve this problem,the Lagrangian analysis of multi-velocity measurement is proposed in this paper.The time history curves of pressure,phase volume and specific internal energy are obtained from the particle velocity by the proposed Lagrangian analysis.Through error analysis,the calculation accuracy of the existing Lagrangian analysis and that of the Lagrangian analysis of multi-speed meter measurement are compared.The results show that the calculation accuracy of the proposed Lagrangian analysis of the multi-speed meter measurement is higher than that of the existing Lagrangian analysis,and thus the proposed method is an effective improvement of the existing Lagrangian analysis.