Uncertainty quantification of detonation based on non-intrusive polynomial chaos
Received:August 17, 2018  Revised:November 29, 2018
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KeyWord:detonation wave  non-intrusive polynomial chaos  cylindrical test  tensor product  uncertainty quantification
梁霄 山东科技大学 数学学院, 青岛 ;北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
王瑞利 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所, 北京
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      Detonation is an extreme complex physical-chemical phenomenon with high detonation pressure and tremendous detonation speed,which occurs within a tiny time duration and a very small space.It is an enormous challenge to design a proper experiment and execute an exact theoretical analysis.Verification,validation and uncertainty quantification (V&V&UQ) combines strength of the physical experiment and numerical simulation.Then the non-intrusive polynomial chaos based on full tensor product is utilized to derive the expectation,standard variance as well as confidential interval of cylindrical position and velocity for cylindrical test,when the system is disturbed by uncertain initial density and JWL parameters.We find all the experimental data falls into the confidential interval when the simulation result is compared with experimental data.At last,the information entropy theory is used to deal with the uncertainty quantification in the experiment.So the efficiency of the method is validated.