Research on calculation method of longitudinal stress on flange plate for concrete composite box girder with steel truss webs
Received:July 03, 2018  Revised:December 18, 2018
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KeyWord:bridge engineering  longitudinal stress on flange plate  calculus of variation  concrete composite box girder with steel truss webs  additional axial force on flange plate
张岩 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
杨霞林 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
冀伟 兰州交通大学 土木工程学院, 兰州
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      In order to study the transversal distribution of longitudinal stress on the flange plate of concrete composite box girder with steel truss webs,the FEM of a real bridge of a 35 m-long constant section simply supported concrete composite box girder with steel truss webs is established by using the finite element software ANSYS,in consideration of the additional axial force and corresponding additional stress on flange plate generated owing to the action of oblique steel truss webs members' rod forces,the formulas for calculating the longitudinal bending stress and longitudinal additional stress on flange plate of the composite box girder are derived accordingly.Then the method for calculating the longitudinal stress on flange plate of the composite box girder is discussed.The finite element results show good agreement with the theoretical results.The results of the study show that:for lower flange plate of the composite box girder,the longitudinal stress can be calculated directly by the formula for calculating longitudinal bending stress; in order to obtain the additional axial force on flange plate of the composite box girder,the steel truss webs and stringers of the composite box girder can be taken out separately,it is considered that both of them form plane truss systems,and the additional axial forces on the flange plate are the rod forces of the chords on the plane trusses;for upper flange plate of the composite box girder,the longitudinal stress can be calculated by adding together the longitudinal bending stress and modified longitudinal additional stress.