Reliability computation of wind turbine blades based on subset simulation algorithm
Received:July 28, 2018  Revised:January 25, 2019
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KeyWord:subset simulation  structural reliability analysis  small failure probabilities  wind turbine blade  blade element momentum theory
刘岗 湖南大学 风工程与桥梁工程湖南省重点实验室, 长沙
封周权 湖南大学 风工程与桥梁工程湖南省重点实验室, 长沙
华旭刚 湖南大学 风工程与桥梁工程湖南省重点实验室, 长沙
陈政清 湖南大学 风工程与桥梁工程湖南省重点实验室, 长沙
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      Blades are one of the most important components in a wind turbine,thus their reliability is essential for the healthy operation of a wind turbine.The traditional Monte Carlo method is not efficient in reliability calculation.In this paper,the subset simulation method is applied to the reliability calculation of wind turbine blades.By reasonably selecting the critical value of intermediate failure events and the suggested probability density function,a series of samples are simulated by using Metropolis algorithm,which greatly improves the sampling efficiency.The results show that the subset simulation method is accurate and renders a higher efficiency for the reliability calculation of wind turbine blades,compared with traditional Monte Carlo simulation in the situation of very small failure probability.