Research on buckling behavior of the spherical pressure hull considering initial imperfections
Received:July 07, 2018  Revised:August 28, 2018
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KeyWord:spherical pressure hull  buckling behavior  nonlinear finite element method  European Standard EN1993-1-6(2007)  mode imperfection method
罗珊 中国船舶科学研究中心 船舶振动噪声重点实验室, 无锡 ;常州工程职业技术学院 检验检测认证学院, 常州
王纬波 中国船舶科学研究中心 船舶振动噪声重点实验室, 无锡
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      When the stability of a spherical pressure hull being is analyzed,nonlinearity has to be considered as well as the influence of initial imperfections.According to European Standard EN1993-1-6(2007),a method for calculating equivalent imperfection magnitude of different fabrication tolerance quality classes is proposed.The distribution of imperfections is determined based on the mode form of liner bifurcation analysis.By means of a nonlinear finite element method,the stability of a spherical pressure hull is simulated numerically.Deformation of spherical pressure hull before and after buckling is investigated and load-displacement curve is acquired.The critical buckling loads from consistent mode imperfection method and N-order eigenvalue imperfection mode method are compared.It is shown that a spherical hull is an imperfection-sensitive structure and the stability decreases with the increase of imperfection magnitude.Consistent mode imperfection method is convenient and reasonable in engineering applications,while N-order eigenvalue imperfection mode method considers the influence of higher-mode imperfection and produces more comprehensive results which can provide a reference for the stability design of imperfect structures.