Study of characteristic of capillary rise using level set method
Received:January 11, 2018  Revised:May 30, 2018
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KeyWord:capillary rise  two-phase flow  level set method  capillary oscillation
程志林 中国石油大学 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室, 北京
王庆 中国石油大学 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室, 北京
宁正福 中国石油大学 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室, 北京
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      The study of dynamic capillary rise is crucial for many industries and applications.Unlike the traditional theoretical work on the penetration of liquids into circular cylindrical capillaries,capillary force,gravity,inertial force,viscous force,etc.,are not taken into account entirely.This paper used time-dependent N-S equation coupling level set method for simulating the liquid rise in capillary tubes under different conditions.To begin with,we validated the model by comparing the simulation results with the simplified analytical solutions.Then,we investigated capillary oscillation phenomena in detail and the main impacts on oscillation behaviors in capillary tubes were discussed.The results show that this coupling method can accurately capture characteristics of rebounds of liquids in cylindrical tubes.With the increase of the capillary tube's length,the magnitude of capillary oscillation seems to be weakened which is attributed to the resistance of air theoretically,the capillary oscillation will vanish if the length of tube is indefinite.In addition,the liquid viscosities also produce a remarkable effect on the oscillating behavior in capillary tubes,increasing the viscosity of liquid results in a greater viscous resistance of the wetting liquid,thus the oscillation is reduced and even disappears.Moreover,the liquid density has a positive correlation with the inertial force.Therefore,a more drastic oscillation behavior will emerge when using a higher density of liquid for simulation.In conclusion,the capillary oscillation is controlled by a variety of factors.The inertial force of the liquid is the principal reason that may give rise to the oscillation of liquid column.