End friction effects on concrete dynamic strength using meso-scale models based on XCT images
Received:February 07, 2018  Revised:April 21, 2018
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KeyWord:XCT images  concrete  meso-scale model  end friction effect  dynamic strength increase factor (DIF)  Monte Carlo simulation  finite element method
黎超 浙江大学 建筑工程学院, 杭州
杨贞军 浙江大学 建筑工程学院, 杭州
黄宇劼 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州
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      Based on micro X-ray computed tomography (XCT) images from in-situ tests,this paper replaces image pixels with finite elements to build two-dimensional meso-scale models of real concrete specimens.The concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) model in ABAQUS is used to simulate constitutive phases:aggregates,mortars,interfacial transition zones (ITZ) and pores.The end friction effect under low to medium strain rates (10-5~2 s-1) is studied,and Monte Carlo simulations are conducted for 20 XCT image-based models.Through statistical analyses and curve fitting of the simulation results,a quantitative relation between the dynamic compressive strength and the end friction coefficient and strain rate is obtained.The results show that the end friction can increase the dynamic strength,but the effect becomes insignificant when the friction coefficient reaches 0.3.The fitted curve between CDIF and the logarithm of strain rate (logε) without end friction is parabolic and is in good agreement with the experimental results.