Parameter effect analysis of local failure modes for fail-safe topology optimization
Received:February 01, 2018  Revised:April 07, 2018
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KeyWord:continuum structures  topology optimization  fail-safe  local failure  ICM method
彭细荣 湖南城市学院 土木工程学院, 益阳
隋允康 北京工业大学 工程数值模拟中心, 北京
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      For the fail-safe topology optimization of continuum structures,aiming at the key problem of handling handle the local failure of a structure,a topology optimization model considering fail-safe is established and solved based on the independent continuous and mapping (ICM) method.The topology optimization problem minimizing structural volume with displacement constraints is taken as an example.The effects of the shape and size of the local failure mode and the pre-estimation distribution of structural failure cases on the optimal structure topology are discussed.Numerical examples with single-load cases and multiple-load cases are given.The following conclusions can be obtained.(1) Compared with the topology optimization without fail-safe,optimal topologies obtained by the fail-safe topology optimization have more redundant components and more paths transferring forces.(2) Optimal topologies are different while the shape and size of the local failure mode of structures changes.(3) optimal topology is more complex while the space between neighboring distributed failure modes decreases.Therefore,it is appropriate to define a reasonable shape and size of the failure mode and the pre-estimation distribution of structural failure cases based on engineering topology optimization problems considering the fail-safe design principle.The local structural failure should be simulated accurately to obtain the optimal topological with moderate redundancy.