Damage detection method using incomplete modal information
Received:January 07, 2018  Revised:February 06, 2018
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KeyWord:damage detection  optimization  finite measure points  modal expansion  test noise
杨坚 清华大学 土木工程系, 北京
董聪 清华大学 土木工程系, 北京
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      A new method based on model updating was developed in this paper to identify damage with the low-order frequencies and incomplete modes of vibration.It aims to deal with a finite number of measure points and measurement noise.Mode shapes are expanded with parameterized expansion matrixes based on a dynamic condensation method.Constraint equations are established based on the CMCM (cross-model cross-mode) method.The Hestenes-Powell extended Lagrange multiplier method is adopted to solve this constrained optimization problem.The optimal solution indicates the positions and degrees of damages.When the modal data contains measurement noise,an improved CMCM method is proposed to decrease its influence of test noise.The proposed method is verified against the numerical simulation test of a 25-bar truss structure.The results show that this method can identify damages accurately using the first five incomplete modes when the modal data contains 3% measurement noise.