Thermomechanical coupled model for frost heaving cracking of concrete lined channel
Received:November 02, 2017  Revised:December 26, 2017
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KeyWord:trapezoidal channel  frost heaving damage  XFEM  crack propagation  numerical simulation
李敬军 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 10083
贺向丽 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 10083
邱流潮 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 10083
刘瑞强 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 10083
周博林 中国农业大学 水利与土木工程学院, 北京 10083
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      In the northern part of China,the phenomenon of frost heaving destruction of the lining channel seriously hinders the normal operation of the canal.When the concrete lining plate can not bear frost heaving force or frost heave deformation of the soil under the channel,frost heaving damage will ocure,such as crack and even rupture.Based on the theory of frost heaving and the theory of thermo-mechanical coupling,the numerical simulation of a trapezoidal channel is carried out by using linear elasticity model.The generation and development of the crack in the trapezoidal lining channel under the temperature load are numerically simulated by the combination of the thermo-mechanical coupling method and the extended finite element method.It can be visually observed that the generation and developing process of cracks in the concrete lining structure under the temperature load,provide useful reference for improving the design method of lining mechanism and extend the further application of finite element.