Correlation analysis of mesostructure and shear strength parameters of proximal deposit soil-rock mixture
Received:October 20, 2017  Revised:April 15, 2018
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KeyWord:proximal deposit  soil-rock mixture  mesostructure  shear strength parameters  radial distribution function  the contact force probability density  the unit contact vector
董辉 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院, 湘潭 ;湘潭大学 岩土力学与工程安全湖南省重点实验室, 湘潭
赵征 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院, 湘潭
蒋秀姿 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院, 湘潭
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      The mesostructure is the key scientific problem in the mechanical characteristics of the soil-rock mixture.In this paper,by introducing physics,mathematics and other methods,with the help of granular matter mechanics theory,the mesostructure characteristics of soil-rock mixture are quantitatively described from the geometric arrangement and the spatial distribution of contact force under two typical environments,and establish its association with shear strength parameters is established.The results show that (1) There are significant differences on the mesostructure of the soil-rock mixture under the two environments.In the geometric arrangement,the soil-rock mixture under horizontal consolidation environment has long-range disorderly,but short-range orderly characteristics.The soil soil-rock mixture under the slope deposition environment shows a disorderly amorphous structure.The two are similar on the spatial distribution of contact force and unit contact vector.The majority of contact forces are less than the mean contact force,the probability density curve P(f) is a decreasing the power function.More than 90% contact azimuth is concentrated in the range of 40°~160° and 220°~340°.(2) Based on the radial distribution function,the contact force probability density and the unit contact vector,the characteristic quantities Ka,Ks and Ko have been defined.The influence of Ka,Ks and Ko on the internal friction angle shows a positive linear correlation,and the cohesion shows a decreasing trend of parabola with the increase of Ka,Ks and Ko.