Characteristic line method under fixed meshes for the simulation of dambreak
Received:August 14, 2018  Revised:September 27, 2018
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KeyWord:Riemann problem  Riemann invariant  dambreak  characteristic line  piecewise cubic Hermite interpolating polynomial
董俊哲 西安建筑科技大学 理学院, 西安
刘超 西安建筑科技大学 理学院, 西安
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      Dambreak is a typical Riemann problem of nonlinear hyperbolic equations.The difficulty of solving a Riemann problem is the difficulty in capturing the discontinuous interface,at which numerical dispersion appears.Therefore,there are the two key aspects in evaluating the numerical methods for solving a Riemann problem.In this paper,a new computational method is proposed for the calculation of dambreak.Nonlinear equations for shallow water waves are established based on dual variables.The computational scheme is based on the eigenvalues and Riemann invariants of the equations,and focuses on capturing the location of Riemann invariants with high-precision shock capturing method before they are mapped to the fixing meshes by the interpolation function of Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial.Numerical results verify that the method is accurate and efficient,at the same time the numerical procedure is easily operated.