Dynamic response analysis of thin wall workpiece processing system
Received:November 29, 2017  Revised:January 27, 2018
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KeyWord:spindle  tool  thin-walled workpiece  continuous beam model  resonance  dynamic response
农胜隆 广西科技大学鹿山学院, 柳州
高尚晗 广西科技大学 机械学院, 柳州
娄玉印 广西科技大学鹿山学院, 柳州
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      In thin-walled workpiece machining,the resonance and deformation easily occur and directly affect the machining stability and accuracy.This paper adopts the continuous beam for the whole milling system,which includes the spindle,the tool and the workpiece,to study the effects of the dynamic milling force on the relationship between the dynamic responses of the tool end and the workpiece end.The sizes of parts which have significant influences on the dynamic responses of the whole system are studied.It is noted that the sectional height of workpiece has more obvious effects.With small height value,the low frequency resonance of workpiece is directly reflected in the vibration responses of the cutter end through the dynamic milling force.The sectional width dimension changes the resonance frequency slightly,but it reduces the resonance amplitude of the tool end.These results provide a theoretical basis for the stability control of the thin-walled workpiece machining system.