Structural reliability analysis based on a multiple sub-region surrogate model
Received:November 25, 2017  Revised:February 15, 2018
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KeyWord:structural reliability  surrogate model  reasonable sub-region  classical response surface  Kriging
赵维涛 沈阳航空航天大学 航空航天工程学部, 沈阳
吴广 沈阳航空航天大学 航空航天工程学部, 沈阳
祁武超 沈阳航空航天大学 航空航天工程学部, 沈阳
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      A multiple surrogate model is constructed based on the concept of reasonable sub-region in this study.The classical response surface model is used inside of the reasonable sub-region,and the classical Kriging model is used outside of the reasonable sub-region.The multiple-surrogate model can make full use of the advantages of both classical models,reasonably avoid the reliability evaluation risk brought by the assumed response function in the classical response surface model,and effectively avoid the problem of combination explosion of experiment points in the classical Kriging model.Compared with the classical response surface model,the number of experiment points constructed the multiple-Kriging model surrogate model does not increase,and thus the computational efficiency is roughly the same as that of the classical response surface model.The numerical results indicated that the proposed method has the similar accuracy as Monte Carlo simulation,and thus is satisfactory.