Review on precise time integration method and its derived formats
Received:September 26, 2017  Revised:November 27, 2017
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KeyWord:rotor dynamics  partial differential equation  precise time integration method  high precision direct scheme  trapezoidal method
吴杰 江苏科技大学 船舶与海洋工程学院, 镇江
王志东 江苏科技大学 船舶与海洋工程学院, 镇江
虞志浩 南京航空航天大学 直升机旋翼动力学国家级重点实验室, 南京
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      Helicopter rotor aeroelasticity is essentially described by a set of stiff and nonlinear partial differential equations.They can be rewritten as non-homogeneous ordinary differential equations after discretion by finite element method.The non-homogeneous terms depend on time response and aerodynamic loads of the blades.This paper introduces a precise time integration method (PTI) and its derived formats to solve this kind of equations.The Duhamel integration term in the derived formats can be calculated using this numerical method.It also selects and compares the precise-Kutta method and high precision direct scheme (HPD) on integration precision and numerical stability.At last,an implicit integration method is used to comprehensively evaluate PTI on rotor dynamics.Numerical examples indicate that HPD scheme is precise evough to be used for rectangular blades.