Solve Helmholtz equations by the meshless intervention point (MIP) method
Received:October 04, 2017  Revised:December 19, 2017
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KeyWord:meshless method  Helmholtz equation  MIP method  intervention-point principle
杨子乐 长沙理工大学 交通运输工程学院, 长沙
黄旺 长沙理工大学 交通运输工程学院, 长沙
班游 长沙理工大学 交通运输工程学院, 长沙
杨建军 长沙理工大学 交通运输工程学院, 长沙
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      As a collocation-type meshless method, the meshless intervention point (MIP) method is simple,accurate and efficient. Furthermore,the method may be suitable for wide applications.The Helmholtz equation is widely used in science and engineering problems.Therefore,the feasibility of solving the Helmholtz equation by the MIP method is verified.Using the d-adaptability of the MIP method,two algorithms for solving the equations are given.In the numerical tests,the Helmholtz equation on a regular domain,on an irregular domain,and on an axisymmetric domain are studied.The results show that the MIP method is fully suitable for solving the Helmholtz equation,and has a higher accuracy and a better convergence than the common collocation method. Besides,for better performance,L2C0 scheme is suggested as the standard form for the MIP method to solve this kind of equations.