State-based peridynamic modeling for hydraulic fracture
Received:October 09, 2017  Revised:December 29, 2017
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KeyWord:hydraulic fracture  crack propagation  state-based peridynamics  contact  gravity dam
张钰彬 河海大学 力学与材料学院, 南京
刘一鸣 河海大学 力学与材料学院, 南京
黄丹 河海大学 力学与材料学院, 南京
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      The state-based peridynamic theory is introduced into solving hydraulic fracture problems.A nonlocal constitutive model which can describe the fracture characteristics of rock and concrete-like quasi-brittle materials is proposed based on the state-based peridynamic theory,in which an equivalent hydraulic pressure term is embedded in order to track the fluid pressure on the new-born crack surfaces.Considering the contact between surfaces of cracks,a short-range repulsive force between material points is implemented and corresponding contact algorithms are developed.The proposed model and algorithms are validated through simulating the hydraulic fracture of typical concrete gravity dams in different loading cases,and comparing the numerical results with extended finite element results.