Study on the stress rock burst of coal (rock) considering the impact of depth and dip angle
Received:November 12, 2016  Revised:July 03, 2018
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KeyWord:mining safety  stress rock burst  depth and dip angle  flying particle and the deformation particle  simulation study
崔铁军 辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程学院, 阜新 ;矿山热动力灾害与防治教育部重点实验室, 阜新 ;大连交通大学 辽宁省隧道与地下结构工程技术研究中心, 大连
李莎莎 辽宁工程技术大学 安全科学与工程学院, 阜新 ;矿山热动力灾害与防治教育部重点实验室, 阜新
王来贵 辽宁工程技术大学 力学与工程学院, 阜新
马云东 大连交通大学 辽宁省隧道与地下结构工程技术研究中心, 大连
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      In order to study the process of stress rock burst of coal (rock) by mining,considering the influence of depths and dip angles,the process is simulated with PFC.7 cases of different angles between coal are considered,respectively:0°,5°,10°,15°,20°,30°,40°.There 8 cases of coal strata depths,respectively:from -120 m to -820 m,at 100 m apart.The stress rock burst of coal (rock) processes are simulated in the above 56 cases.The numbers of the flying particle and the deformation particle are counted when calculating balance.The relationship between the two numbers and the depths and dip angles are studied.The results show that the relationship between the flying particle and the deformation particle and the depth and dip angle are power functions.But the number of power terms of the former increases with the increase of the angle and is always greater than 1; the latter also increases with the increase of the angle but is but less than 1.In constant depth,the growth of the above two numbers has a linear relationship with the angle,and with the increase of the depth,the slope and the intercept.