Integral sliding mode neural network adaptive control for the free-floating space manipulator with joint torque output dead-zone and external disturbance
Received:August 12, 2017  Revised:September 16, 2017
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KeyWord:free-floating space manipulator  joint torque output dead-zone  external disturbance  integral sliding mode neural network  trajectory tracking
黄小琴 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福州 ;福建省高端装备制造协同创新中心, 福州
陈力 福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福州 ;福建省高端装备制造协同创新中心, 福州
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      The trajectory tracking control of a free-floating space manipulator with joint torque output dead-zone and external disturbance is studied.Dead-zone and external disturbance will affect the control precision and stability of the system.The steady state error caused by external disturbance is reduced by use of the integral variable structure function,and the radial basis function neural network is used to approximate unknown part of the dynamic equation.Then,an integral sliding mode neural network control is proposed.In the scheme,effects due to the unknown slope and boundary of the dead-zone are eliminated by introducing dead-zone and disturbance compensation,and the effects due to unknown supremum of the optimal approximation error are eliminated by the optimal approximation error.The Lyapunov stability analysis proves that the closed-loop control system is stable and the trajectory tracking error converges to a neighborhood of zero.Simulation results show the effectiveness of the control scheme and realize trajectory tracking control of the space manipulator.