Research on explicit quasi-static Push-Over analysis of building structures
Received:August 15, 2017  Revised:December 05, 2017
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KeyWord:building structure  explicit quasi-static analysis method  fine structure finite elment model  load mode  seismic performance
曹胜涛 广州大学 广东省地震工程与应用技术重点实验室, 广州 ;中国建筑科学研究院, 北京
李志山 广州大学 广东省地震工程与应用技术重点实验室, 广州
黄吉锋 中国建筑科学研究院, 北京
杨志勇 中国建筑科学研究院, 北京
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      Based on the refined nonlinear finite element model of a structure and the explicit quasi-static solution method,the explicit quasi-static Push-Over analysis method (EQPA) was proposed.In order to suppress the inertia effect of the structure,the loading mode and evaluation method based on energy were given.EQPA was developed in CPU+GPU parallel finite element software.EQPA can effectively overcome the problem of computing scale and convergence in implicit Push-Over analysis of large-scale complex structures.The seismic performance of a super high-rise shear wall structure was analyzed by using EQPA in this paper,and the results of EQPA were compared with the simplified incremental dynamic analysis (sIDA) of three groups of artificial ground motions.The results showed that the structural inertia effect of EQPA was effectively suppressed;The computation time of EQPA was only 4.97% of sIDA;There were some differences between the results of EQPA and sIDA,but the performance curve,inter-storey deformation pattern,the weak storey and the component damage of EQPA were close to the results of sIDA.