Load identification of interval parameter structures under stationary random loadings
Received:July 19, 2017  Revised:October 26, 2017
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KeyWord:uncertain  interval parameter structure  load identification  power spectral density  random load
祁武超 沈阳航空航天大学 航空航天工程学部, 沈阳
刘恒 沈阳航空航天大学 航空航天工程学部, 沈阳
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      A non-probabilistic interval method for random load identification of uncertain structures is proposed by using the interval analysis method based on Taylor expansion for the random load identification problem of uncertain structures with poor information.The identification is carried out in the frequency domain,using the interval variable to describe the uncertain parameters in the engineering structure.Based on the response spectral density function of the measured point,the nominal value of the uncertainty parameter is first subjected to random load identification.Secondly,the sensitivity of the load is calculated for the uncertainty parameter.Finally,the upper and lower bounds of the load spectrum are obtained based on the interval expansion theory.The results show that the interval of the load spectrum of the uncertain structure obtained by the interval method can completely cover the true value of the load.This method can give a more reliable load condition when a structure is designed.