Dynamic behaviors of transition zone between ballasted and ballastless tracks analyzed with coupled DEM-FEM method
Received:August 24, 2017  Revised:October 29, 2017
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KeyWord:discrete element method (DEM)  finite element method (FEM)  ballasted-ballastless track transition zone  railway track
邵帅 内蒙古大学 交通学院, 呼和浩特
吕泉江 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
严颖 大连交通大学 土木与安全工程学院, 大连
季顺迎 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室, 大连
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      According to the structural characteristics of the ballasted-ballastless transition zone of railway track,this paper presents a coupled discrete-finite element method to simulate its dynamic behavior.The discrete element method (DEM) and the finite element method (FEM) are employed to model the ballast bed and ballastless track slab,respectively.In the transition zone between ballasted and ballastless tracks,the ballast particles are embedded into the slab to increase the inter-lock effect.A coupling algorithm is proposed in the DEM-FEM coupled region to transfer the mechanical parameters between DEM and FEM domains.With this DEM-FEM coupled method,the settlement process of ballasted track,ballastless track and their transition zone are simulated under the cyclic loads of train.The force chain distribution of ballast particles simulated with DEM appears like an asymmetrical trapezoid,which matches the stress distribution in the slab simulated with FEM.The embedded method of ballasts into slab can constrain the displacement of ballast and reduce the differential settlement in the transition zone.The coupled DEM-FEM method can be applied to investigate the dynamic behavior of transition zone under high-speed train loading.