Seismic analysis of masonry structures based on anisotropic damage constitutive model
Received:July 24, 2017  Revised:September 16, 2017
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KeyWord:masonry structures  constitutive models  dynamic linear transformation  nonlinear analysis
富秋实 同济大学 土木工程与防灾国家重点实验室, 上海
钱江 同济大学 土木工程与防灾国家重点实验室, 上海
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      In the present study,the methodology of linear transformation is improved,based on which an elasto-plastic damage model is established in order to describe the anisotropic characteristics of masonry.A shaking table test of a masonry structure is simulated.The results of simulation further prove the effectiveness of the proposed elasto-plastic model.Additionally,since the proposed constitutive model is able to describe failure modes of masonry walls quite precisely,using it in a nonlinear analysis of masonry structures can show damage distributions in the structure besides traditional structural responses such as deformations and stresses,which can provide stronger supports for design and optimization of masonry structures.