Peridynamic study on mixed-mode crack propagation under dynamic load
Received:June 08, 2017  Revised:July 07, 2017
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KeyWord:mixed-mode crack  crack propagation  peridynamics  non-local model  dynamic failure
钱剑 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京
姜冬菊 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京
龚庆 重庆市质量和标准化研究院, 重庆
黄丹 河海大学 工程力学系, 南京
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      An improved nonlocal peridynamic model and corresponding dynamic loading algorithms for a particle system have been proposed to simulate mixed-mode crack propagation subjected to dynamic load.A kernel function which could describe the internal length effect of long-range forces was introduced into the regular micropolar peridynamic model in order to improve the calculation accuracy and stability.The model was validated by analyzing the failure of a single-notched three-point bending concrete beam subjected to dynamic load and comparing the simulation results with experiments.A further investigation was taken into the effect of the location and orientation of the crack on the failure mode,cracking time and failure load of the three-point bending beam with pre-existing mixed-mode crack subjected to dynamic load.