Performance-based seismic vulnerability analysis of base isolation structures
Received:June 06, 2017  Revised:August 11, 2017
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KeyWord:base isolation structure  vulnerability analysis  force analogy method  dynamic nonlinear analysis  plastic energy dissipation of isolation layers
曲激婷 大连理工大学 土木工程学院, 大连
房文琪 大连理工大学 土木工程学院, 大连
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      The vulnerability analysis based on the performance of base isolation structures was performed.Firstly,the motion and energy equations of base isolation structures based on force analogy method were established,and damage indices based on deformation and plastic energy dissipation of isolation layers were put forward,and four damage performance status of isolation structures were defined.Then,the nonlinear dynamic analysis of an isolation structure was carried out,and values of the two kinds of damage indices were calculated.Finally,statistical regression analysis for the damage features was performed and the probability calculation formula for every damage states of structure was derived,thus structural vulnerability curves based on two kinds of damage indices were obtained respectively.Studies have shown that the damage index based on plastic energy dissipation of isolation layers could be a more reasonable indication of the damage severity.A new idea and method for vulnerability analysis of isolation structures based on performance is provided.