Seismic performance of locally buckled FRP reinforced concrete filled thin-walled steel tube
Received:May 07, 2017  Revised:September 07, 2017
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KeyWord:FRP  concrete filled thin wall steel tube  seismic performance  local buckling  energy dissipation
朱春阳 沈阳建筑大学 土木工程学院, 沈阳
赵颖华 大连海事大学 道路桥梁工程研究所, 大连
袁跃 辽宁省交通厅公路管理局, 沈阳
王科 中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司, 西安
孙丽 沈阳建筑大学 土木工程学院, 沈阳
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      For investigating the seismic mechanism of FRP(Fiber Reinforced Polymer)reinforced concrete filled thin-walled steel tube,a stress-strain relationship and a restoring force models of FRP confining steel tube with local buckling were proposed.A hysteretic model for FRP reinforced concrete filled thin-walled steel tube was developed eventually.A quasi-static test was carried out to verify the reasonability of the proposed hysteretic model and study the influence of FRP reinforced scheme on the seismic performance of FRP reinforcing concrete filled thin-walled steel tube column.The studies revealed that the strength degradation caused by local buckling of thin-walled steel tube is the main reason for the deterioration of seismic performance of the column.Rational design of FRP layouts according to the mechanical property of the fiber can effectively improve the seismic performance of the composite column.The CFRP is fit for restraining the local buckling of the thin-walled steel tube,while the GFRP is fit for improving the loading capacity of the column.The imported energy of the column is mainly dissipated by the thin-walled steel tube.In the parameter range of this research,the energy dissipation proportion of the steel tube,the concrete core and the longitudinal FRP are larger than 80%,ranged from 10% to 20% and less than 8%,respectively.The energy dissipation of the steel tube can be improved by more than 40% after being constrained effectively.