Multiscale embedded discrete fracture modeling method
Received:February 11, 2017  Revised:May 25, 2017
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KeyWord:multiscale mimetic finite difference method  fractured reservior  embedded discrete fracture model  reservoir numerical simulation  porous flow
张庆福 中国石油大学华东 石油工程学院, 青岛
黄朝琴 中国石油大学华东 石油工程学院, 青岛
姚军 中国石油大学华东 石油工程学院, 青岛
王月英 中国石油大学华东 石油工程学院, 青岛
李阳 中国石油大学华东 石油工程学院, 青岛
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      The fracture system in naturally fractured reservoir has a complicated distribution.Traditional discrete fracture model is based on unstructured grid generation technique.This means the fractures are treated as inner boundaries of the matrix,which will lead to very complicated grid generation process.The embedded discrete fracture model (EDFM) directly embed fracture network into the matrix structured grid system,that is,the matrix system generate grids separately,and fracture part generate grids according to the intersection of fracture and matrix grids.So this model avoids the complex unstructured grid subdivision process and is more efficient and practical than the traditional DFM.However,in engineering practice,reservoir model may contain several millions cells and the direct numerical simulation of EDFM based on traditional numerical methods is difficult.This work presents a multiscale mimetic finite difference method for reservoir numerical simulation in context of embedded discrete fracture model.This method compute multiscale basis functions by solving local flow equations.Fine scale information is captured through basis functions.So this scheme can work as efficient as upscaling method and guarantee the accuracy of the calculation.The numerical results show that this method is an accurate and efficient method simulation of porous flow in fractured reservoirs.