Analysis and application of the vector form intrinsic finite element based on the hexahedral grid
Received:April 08, 2017  Revised:July 05, 2017
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KeyWord:solid structure  vector form intrinsic finite element  hexahedral grid partide motion  dynamic analysis  large deformation and large displacement
王震 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州
赵阳 浙江大学 空间结构研究中心, 杭州
杨学林 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州
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      Based on fundamental principles of the VFIFE,the basic formulas of the 8-node hexahedral isoparametric element are firstly derived in this paper.Through the projection method,the space-curved hexahedron is converted to the space-flatted hexahedron.Then,the pure nodal deformation through reverse movement of the reference plane,and the internal nodal forces through virtual work equation of the element shape function.Effective approaches are also proposed for some key problems,including the coordinate modes and the integral modes for internal forces.On this basis,a computer program is developed and applied to the analysis of the engineering structural examples.Results show that,the static analysis,the dynamic analysis and the large deformation and large displacement analysis for solid structures can all be well performed by the developed program,verifying the correctness and practicability of the theory and the program.