Research on inversion technique of equivalent excitations of flexible panel structures
Received:March 01, 2017  Revised:June 15, 2017
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KeyWord:excitation spectrum  inversion  equivalent excitation  plate and shell structures  master mode
王伟科 山东大学 机械工程学院, 济南 ;山东大学 高效洁静机械制造教育部重点实验室, 济南
霍睿 山东大学 机械工程学院, 济南 ;山东大学 高效洁静机械制造教育部重点实验室, 济南
王志东 山东大学 机械工程学院, 济南 ;山东大学 高效洁静机械制造教育部重点实验室, 济南
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      Detection of sonar platform excitations has been a formidable obstacle towards the estimation and evaluation of mechanical self-noise in the sonar cavity.In view of the complexity oftransmission of excitations from mechanical vibration equipment to a sonar platform, an inversion technique, i.e., indirectly estimating the outside excitations by means of measurement of vibratory responses, would be the most applicable and feasible.An equivalent excitation method is proposed in this paper, based on the hypothesis that responses resulted from equivalent excitations would be equal to those from the actual excitations, to deal with the inverse excitation problem in situations where there is no knowledge about the location and distribution of dynamic excitation forces acting on structures.Influential factors in estimation of equivalent excitations are carefully analysed based on modal theory of panel structures, with both analytical analysis and FEM simulation method.It could be concluded that the equivalent excitation inversion would be a practical method for evaluation of environmental excitations.