Analysis and application of the vector form intrinsic finite element for fracture and penetration of thin-membrane
Received:February 27, 2017  Revised:May 21, 2017
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KeyWord:thin-membrane structure  Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element  fracture  particle splitting  collision  penetration
王震 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州
赵阳 浙江大学 空间结构研究中心, 杭州
杨学林 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州
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      Based on the Newton' s second law of motion, the Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element (VFIFE) is a new method to obtain the dynamic response of a whole structure through the particle description and the vector analysis.The basic theory of the triangular membrane element based on VFIFE is given first.Then, for the fracture and the penetration damage processes, the corresponding process methods based on VFIFE of a membrane structure are presented.For the fracture problem, the von Mises stress is used as the fracture state parameter.When it reaches the failure stress value, the fracture of the corresponding node of membrane occurs.Through the particle splitting method to separate each failure node of corresponding elements and giving the updated state of corresponding particles, the fracture process of the membrane can be realized.For the penetration problem, the combination of the collision and the fracture mechanisms are adopted to achieve the penetration process of the thin-membrane structure.On this basis, a computer program of the fracture and the penetration analysis for triangular membrane element is developed and numerical examples are provided.It has been shown that, the whole process of simulation for the behaviors of the large deformation and large rotation, the fracture and the penetration processes can be well performed for membrane structures by the developed program, verifying the reliability and effectiveness of the theory and the program.It is shown that the VFIFE is advantageous in the analysis of complex discontinuous behavior for membrane structures.