The spectral collocation method-artificial compressibility method (SCM-ACM) for solving incompressible fluid flow
Received:December 29, 2016  Revised:May 31, 2017
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KeyWord:SCM-ACM  spectral collocation method  artificial compressibility method  lid-driven cavity flow  incompressible flow
牟永强 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院, 青岛
郝建超 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院, 青岛
张敬奎 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院, 青岛
董华 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院, 青岛
林欢 青岛理工大学 环境与市政工程学院, 青岛
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      The combined method spectral collocation method (SCM) and the artificial compressibility method (ACM) is developed in this work for solving incompressible viscous flow problems.The classical case of lid-driven cavity flow in a square cavity is selected to test the method.First of all, artificial compressibility governing equations are given.Secondly, the spatial partial differential terms of the governing equations are discretised by the SCM, and then, the algebraic equations in matrix form are obtained.Lastly, the validation of SCM-ACM code is made.The results show that the SCM-ACM can solve the problem of incompressible flow effectively, and it inherits the exponential convergence of the spectral method and has the characteristics of being simple and easy to implement derived from the ACM.